Year 7 Parents Information Evening Thursday

Home / Year 7 Parents Information Evening Thursday

4th October 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

Re: Year 7 Parents Information Evening Thursday, 14th October

We are delighted to invite you into Dean Trust Ardwick for our Year 7 parents information evening on Thursday, 14th October 2021. The event is from 4pm until 6pm and will consist of 4 different workshops. The aim of the evening is to provide all the information you need to work collaboratively with the school and therefore ensure your child is able to thrive and achieve their highest potential.

Please ensure that you arrive promptly for 3.50pm to sign in at reception. You will be provided with a copy of our updated 2021 Parent/Carer Handbook and then attend important workshops on the following topics:

  • Our high expectations of pupils at Dean Trust Ardwick.
  • Safeguarding, well-being and effective parent-school communication.
  • How your child’s academic progress is measured and reported.
  • Supporting your child’s literacy development.

The evening will include meeting Mrs. Rashford, Head of Year 7 and other key members of the pastoral team as well as Miss Whittington, Assistant Headteacher for KS3 Progress.

We very much look forward to welcoming you into school.

Yours faithfully

Miss S Whittington

Assistant Headteacher





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